Text Replace

Project Description

Text Replacer is a python-based GUI application that performs several "find and replace" operations on a text file or multiple text files that the user chooses. It is a simple project that I made to address an issue I frequently ran into while taking online notes for my class.

Since my class used a lot of special characters like Greek letters and mathematical symbols, I would often have to slow down to find the right character and insert in in the middle of taking notes. This caused me to miss parts of the lecture. My solution was to write the name of the symbol that I needed in lieu of the symbol itself, and then find and replace the symbols at the end of the lecture.

Top 5 Skills Demonstrated

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Text Replace GitHub repository


Selecting a text file
Select File

The user can select one text file or multiple. This demonstrates the user selecting just one text file.

Adding replacement queries
Add replacements

The user can enter multiple replacement queries. For each row, every instance of the text on the left found in the text file(s) will be replaced with the text on the right.

Result of first example
Text before Text after

After pressing go, a message box will notify the user that the process is complete and a new file will be created with all of the replacements made. The first picture is the original text file and the second picture is the new text file.

Selecting multiple files and files with incorrect format
Select Multiple files

If the user selects multiple files but some of them are not formatted as .txt files, only the text files will be used and an error message will appear.

Adding and deleting rows
Add and Delete Rows

The user can add up to 10 rows, and can also delete all rows except for the first row.

Project specifications