Simple Shell Program

Project description

This program is an extention of the Linux command line written in C. The shell can run standard Linux commands by creating a child process and executing the command in the Linux terminal. There were two additional commands that my shell could run: yell and r. Yell would take the following argument and return it in all caps. The r command would return the last command that was executed.

This was part of an individual assignment for my Operating Systems class. I was given example code to spawn a child process to run regular Linux commands.

Skills Demonstrated

Click to download the source code for this program.



Running standad Linux commands
Shell child process

This demonstrates my shell, called jcshell, running commands like "cp" and "ls" which spawned a child process.

"yell" and "r" commands
Yell and r commands

This demonstrates the custom commands, yell and r, of jcshell. Yell returns the input in all caps.