Blackjack Game

Project description.

This application simulates the card game: Blackjack. You, the player, get to place your bet and play against an automated dealer. Just like in Blackjack, the player with the better cards wins. It keeps track of how much money you have, and that number persists even after the game is closed and reopened. If you lose, the bet you place is taken from your bank. If you win, your bet is added to your bank. You can also tie with the dealer.

This project was written entirely in Python, utilizing the Tkinter library for the GUI. It was written entirely from scratch. I didn't collaborate with other programmers for this project.

Top 5 Skills Demonstrated

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Blackjack GitHub Repository


Placing bet and pressing "Start"
Bet and Start

You start by choosing a bet between $10 and what you have in the bank. Then you press start, which will open up the game window.

Playing your turn
Hit and Stand

The game window pops up, showing you your cards and one of the dealer's cards. You can decide to hit or stand as long as your total is 21 or less. Your turn ends once you press "Stand."

Dealer wins
Dealer Wins

In this scenario, the dealer wins by ending up with a better total than the player.

Player wins
Player Wins

This is what happens when the player ends up with a better total than the dealer.

A few more features
Bust and Broke Invalid Bet Invalid Bet

This section demonstrates busting (getting higher than 21), running out of money, placing an invalid bet, and resetting the bank.